Peace Grace Truth Freedom
Read Here Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence Watchtower 1881 With Artical Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidenc
The Adventist Movement The Midnight Cry; Read it Here The Adventist, Russellite, Jehovah's Witneses History; Read It Here
Read It Here Second Coming 1843 William Miller Signs of The Times 1840 - 1841 Millerite Magazine
Read John Dowling 1840 Critique of Miller's Prophecy
M I L L E R  O V E R   T H R O W N : OR THE FALSE PROPHET CONFOUNDED. B Y  A C O S M O P O L I T E . "Of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father." ---------------- B O S T O N: A B E L T O M P K I N S . 1840. ---------------- Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1840, by A B E L T O M P K I N S , in the Clerk's office of the District Court of Massacussetts.
Miller Over Thrown Abeltompkins 1840 Read it Here
Having lived part of each year for many years in the very heart of what was once one of the most vital rural centres of the great excitement in 1843-44, when William Miller prophesied the coming end of the world; having had long conversation with many of the old people who live along the ridges overlooking the wide sweep of the Nashua Valley and listened to what they had to tell of days long past, and what they had heard from those of the generation before them; and having become deeply interested in the strange psychological influences that swayed thousands away from the beaten track of normal activities during those years of atmospheric disturbances and overwrought spiritual and mental emotions, it occurred to the author that there must be a good many still living, in various parts of the country, whose recollections would be of value, and that all these gathered together would bring before us at close range a vivid picture of one of the most peculiarly emotional and hysterical episodes in the ins and outs of our past history. Consequently the following "Notice" was inserted in the columns of many of the leading newspapers issued in the States where the delusion had its strongest foothold. It reads as follows:
Days of Delusion - A Strange Bit of History By Clara Endicott Sears, 1924 Read It Here
Written by Manuel Lacunza, a Jesuit priest, the manuscript is beautifully composed in 19th century Spanish and is written in artistic calligraphy. Its yellowing pages carry the smell of antiquity. Dated 1820 and written under the pseudonym of Juan Josafat Ben-Ezra, the manuscript had been apparently copied by Trinitarian Fathers of San Carlos, in Rome, using four possible European sources. One footnote underscores its authenticity: "Nothing has been lost in phrases or concepts of the author, because this is an original Spanish copy of what he himself composed." 1 To me, a professional historian, an Adventist, and a Chilean like the author, everything about the book is exciting. Who is the real author? What made him write this controversial text? What influence did the book have? Does its content have any validity for us, who live almost two centuries later?
Manuel Lacunza: The Adventist Connection by Sergio Olivares Read It Here
In the arrangement of the great calendar of prophecy, and the adjustment of our own position on it, whether nearer to the final end or less near, it is evident that the chronological predictions (I mean those which involve chronological periods) must needs demand our most particular attention. -- First and foremost in importance is the memorable prophecy of the 1260 years of the Beast or Antichrist, six times repeated in the Apocalyptic vision, and three in Daniel. It comprehends the Beast's reign, in recognized supremacy over the Roman HA1421
"The wise shall understand." Understand what? The principles of godliness in the heart, is the ready answer of many. But Daniel says, "I understood not." Were not the principles of godliness understood by him? Certainly not, if they were what the wise were to understand. What, then, were they to understand? By consulting Dan. 12, and the preceding chapters, it will be clearly seen that the time when the events predicted should take place is what they would understand. No other reasonable interpretation can be given, or meaning attached to the expression under consideration. But was not Daniel a wise man, and more capable of understanding the time than anyone in this day? True, Daniel was a wise man; but wise as he was, he could not tell future events, only as they were revealed unto him: and as those in events were to mark the commencement and termination of certain times named in the prophecy, and as those
The Present Truth or Meat in Due Season , written by Jonas Wendell in 1870.
Elder Jonas Wendell (Dec. 15, 1815 - August 14, 1873) of Edenboro, Pennsylvania, was a zealous Adventist preacher following in the spirit of William Miller. Following the "Great Disappointment" Wendell experienced periods of weak faith, as did many Adventists. He eventually recovered his faith after renewing his study of Bible chronology (historic and prophetic) and began to preach extensively throughout Ohio, Pennsylvania, the Virginias, and New England. By the late 1860s he had been studying the chronology of the Bible, and was encouraged by conclusions showing Christ's return would occur in either 1868 or 1873/4. In 1870 Wendell published his views in the booklet entitled The Present Truth, or Meat in Due Season concluding that the Second Advent was sure to occur in 1873. He is best known for being the individual who, unbeknownst to him, restored Charles Taze Russell's faith in the Bible as the true word of God. From this, Russell began a ministry that was to affect the entire religious and secular world.
In Memory of Elder Jonas Wendell Read It Here
George Storrs was the link between William Miller and Charles Taze Russell. Storrs was a prominent proponent of the Second Advent views of Miller and gave a sermon in 1844 urging his listeners not to lose confidence in the Lord’s visible return that year. As time passed, he changed his views and was seminal in developing of the thinking of Pastor Russell. A notice of his final illness can be found in the Reprints of Zion’s Watch Tower, page 71.
Six Sermons George Storrs 1885 Read Them Here
GEORGE STORRS, the subject of the following remarks, was born in Lebanon, N. H., December 13th, 1796. He was the youngest of eight children. His father, Col. Constant Storrs, was originally from Mansfield, Conn.; and was an industrious mechanic, serving, for a time, in the American Revolution as a wheelright. After the war of the Revolution he was married to Lucinda Howe, who was half-sister to the late Richard Salter Storrs, for many years minister of Longmeadow, Mass. After their marriage they removed to New Hampshire - the country being then a wilderness – and located in Lebanon, on Connecticut River; and by industry and economy became, what, in those days, was called a wealthy farmer. To them were born seven sons and one daughter.
George Storrs Biographical Sketch Read It Here
..However, we were then merely getting the general outlines of God's plan, and unlearning many long-cherished errors, the time for a clear discernment of the minutiae having not yet fully come.  And here we should and do gratefully mention assistance rendered by Brothers George Stetson and George Storrs, both now deceased, the latter the editor of The Bible Examiner.  The study of the Word of God with these dear brethren led, step by step, into greener pastures and brighter hopes for the world, though it was not until 1872, when I gained a clear view of our Lord's work as our ransom price, that I found the strength and foundation of all hope of restitution to lie in that doctrine. Up to that time, when I read the testimony that all in their graves shall come forth, etc., I yet doubted the full provision-whether it should be understood to include idiots or infants who had died without reaching any degree of understanding, beings to whom the present life and its experiences would seem to be of little or no advantage.  But when, in 1873, I came to examine the subject of restitution from the standpoint of the ransom price given by our Lord Jesus for Adam, and consequently for all lost in Adam, it settled the matter of restitution completely, and gave fullest assurance that ALL must come forth from Adamic death and be brought to a clear knowledge of the truth and to fullest opportunity of everlasting life in Christ.
Treatises by George Storrs Read it Here
This subject we consider one of the greatest importance we have ever presented to the consideration of our readers; because, if this promise and oath are equivocal, or uncertain of fulfillment, what foundations have we on which to stand in relation to any other promise supposed to be made by God? All other promises are made doubtful, if this is proved of uncertain meaning. No promise of God was ever made with greater clearness or more solemnly proclaimed. To treat it, therefore, with neglect or as if it might be explained to suit human theories, is to undermine all faith in the words of God.
A Vindication of The Government of God Read it Here
Brother Geo. Storrs. Our brother, so long the editor of "The Bible Examiner" is known to most of our readers; also that he has been obliged by severe illness to discontinue his paper. While he no doubt feels, as we do, that he should like to continue the proclamation of the love of God for all His creatures, yet he has much reason to thank God for being privileged to spend so long a life and one so consecrated to the Master. Feeling that many of you, as well as I, would be glad to hear from our brother occasionally we offered him the use of a part of our space. The following from his daughter, will be of interest to you.
1881 Watchtow About George Storrs Health Russell Inquires read it here
. . . Two o'clock P.M. At this hour Dr. N.H. Barbour, late of New York, gave a very interesting discourse on the parable of the ten virgins, showing a beautiful harmony between it and the movements of the Advent people since 1843, and looking to 1873 for the return of the Bridegroom. . .
Read Midnight Cry N.H. Barbour Herald of The Morining
Volume 1, Number 4 March, 1874
THE GREAT PYRAMID January 1876, The HERALD OF THE MORNING Professor C. Piazzi Smyth, Astronomer Royal for Scotland, has published a remarkable book of over 500 pages, with 17 explanatory plates, entitled "Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid," which appears to have a remarkable bearing on science, and some of the leading prophetic events of the world.
During the late nineteenth century a strange intellectual phenomenon, pyramidology, found its way to both sides of the Atlantic. In his book, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Peter Tompkins relates in full how modern pyramidology, as distinct from its ancient counterpart, (1) got its start.
PYRAMIDOLOGY Read What Barbour and Russell Both Wrote About Here
In the late 19th Century, a number of Bible students became interested in the "mysteries" of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. One such individual was Charles Taze Russell, founder of the group later known as the Jehovah's Witnesses. In his book "Thy Kingdom Come" vol. 3 (Originally published in 1890), Russell goes into great detail of the various measurements inside the pyramid, using "pyramid inches" (1) in effort to prove that the construction of the pyramid was inspired by God to stand as a corroborating witness to the Bible, as well as reveal the dates of Christ's Second Coming. Below is the diagram from the 1904 edition. (click here or on the image to enlarge)
A Pyramid Scheme Here
I determined to curtail my business cares and give my time as well as means to the great harvest work. Accordingly, I sent Mr. Barbour back to his home, with money and instructions to prepare in concise book-form the good tidings so far as then understood, including the time features, while I closed out my Philadelphia business preparatory to engaging in the work, as I afterward did, traveling and preaching. The little book of 196 pages thus prepared was entitled The Three Worlds; and as I was enabled to give some time and thought to its preparation it was issued by us both jointly, both names appearing on its title page--though it was mainly written by Mr. Barbour. While it was not the first book to teach a measure of restitution, nor the first to treat upon time-prophecy, it was, we believe, the first to combine the idea of restitution with time-prophecy. From the sale of this book and from my purse, our traveling expenses, etc., were met. After a time I conceived the idea of adding another harvest laborer and sent for Mr. Paton, who promptly responded and whose traveling expenses were met in the same manner.
Read It Here Who Was The First President of The Watch Tower Society?
The Three Worlds by Nelson H. Barbour and C.T. Russell, published in 1877. (The book was written by Barbour and financed by Russell.) Pages 104-108 explained that Christ returned invisibly to the earth in 1874-1875. Page 108 says the resurrection of the saints happened in the Spring of 1875. The end of the “harvest” is expected to be in the Spring of 1878 (pages 68, 89-93, 124, 125-126, 143). See, for example, this interpretation of the sounding of the “7th trumpet” mentioned in Revelation chapters 10 & 11 on page 143:
Read It Here The Three Worlds
Read It Here Gentile Times: When Do They End?
C. T. RUSSELL PITTSBURGH, PA. HERALD OF THE MORNING ROCHESTER, N. Y. 1877 "Take heed to yourselves least at any time your hearts be overcharged with.... the cares of this life; and so that day come upon you unawares." - Luke 21:34.
Read The Object And Manner of Our Lord's Return
He (Jesus) shall be...for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel." Isa. 8:14.The Bible speaks of the several tribes of Israel as houses--viz.: House of Judah, Levi, Benjamin, etc., but the expression, House of Israel, was used as belonging to the twelve tribes collectively. (Jacob, after his wrestle with the angel, was called Israel, which signifies "a Prince with God," and all of his descendants are called the children or House of Israel.) And the nominal Gospel church, entire, containing both wheat and tares (Matt. 13) is recognized as the House of Christ who is the true Israel--a Prince with God. Russell’s early views on biblical chronology (and the dates 1874, 1878, 1881 and 1914) are explained in the articles "A Stone of Stumbling" and "How Long, O Lord" in the January 1881 Watchtower. The February 1, 1881 Watchtower (page 5) indicates that the “change” to heavenly glory was expected for the autumn of 1881:
Read A Stone of Stumbling Russell
This is a question doubtless that many ask themselves, viz: "How soon will our change come?" This change many of us have looked forward to for years, and we yet with much pleasure, think of the time when we shall be gathered unto Jesus and see Him as he is. In the article concerning our change, in December paper, we expressed the opinion that it was nearer than many supposed, and while we would not attempt to prove our change at any particular time, yet we propose looking at some of the evidences which seem to show the translation or change from the natural to the spiritual condition, due this side or by the fall of our year 1881. The evidence that our change will be by that time, increases since we have seen that the change to spiritual bodies is not the marriage.
Read it Here How Long , O LORD?
LAY UP FOR YOURSELVES TREASURES. Every person you know and every person you don't know, is a treasure seeker. A is seeking wealth; he rises early, labors hard and retires late, plans, studies, contrives, bends every energy of his being to get his prize. He would tell you that he does not care for money--does not worship it-- yet poor man he is evidently deceiving himself; his actions speak louder than words. He would labor so for no person or thing he does not love.
Read it Here Zion's Watchtower 1881 C.T. Russell
THE YEAR 1881.
This year would be indeed a notable one, if the predictions and expectations of all men could be realized. "Second adventists," whose applications of the prophetic periods (The "2300 days," the "1335 days" and the "1260 days,") have all run out, and who because they are looking for Jesus to again become a man and appear to them in the flesh, cannot discern that he is now present a spiritual being. They have not "the eyes of their understanding" opened, else they could realize that those prophetic periods were fulfilled and the "harvest" of the age has come--"the day of the Lord."
Read it Here: The Year 1881
The parable of "The Ten Virgins" (Matt. 25) seems to have been given as a pen picture of some of the important events connected with the close of the Gospel Age. The introduction of the parable shows this, for after recounting to the disciples (Matt. 24) some of the signs of the ending of the Gospel Age and the --parousia--presence of the Son of Man, which verse 37 assures them will be a presence which the world cannot recognize, then follows the parable, connected with the preceding statements by the word then. "Then shall the kingdom of heaven (church) be likened unto ten virgins which took their lamps (Bibles) and went forth to meet the Bridegroom" (i.e.,) they went forth or separated themselves because of their belief that the Bridegroom, Jesus, was about to come.
Read it Here; And the Door Was Shut
Russell’s mature view on eschatology and chronology can be found in Study IX of Vol. 3 of Studies in the Scriptures, particularly pages 305-308. There he ties together the Adventist movement of William Miller to the Second Advent of Christ in 1874 and the end of the Gentile Times in 1914. Russell believed that Christ had resurrected the saints in 1878 as spirit beings to be with him on the earth during a time of harvest. He hoped that “shortly” those of the saints still alive on earth would be “changed to the same glorious likeness”:
THE most momentous event of earth's history is the establishment of God's Kingdom among men, in the hands of our Lord Jesus and his selected joint-heirs, the overcomers of the Gospel Church. This great event, toward which, as shown in previous volumes of SCRIPTURE STUDIES, all of God's promises and types point, we now see to be not only at hand, but just upon us. None of those awake to these facts, and who properly or even partially realize them, and whose hearts are in full sympathy with God's great plan of the ages, and who see that God's panacea for the sin and misery and dying of the groaning creation is to be applied by this Kingdom, can possibly feel other than an absorbing interest in the fact, the time and the manner of its establishment.
  A Generation That Deceives The World
It is highly offensive when we hear that knowledge can become a “god”, we understand that knowledge has been, and is most sought after throughout the history of mankind upon earth. Moreover, in today's world without knowledge we simply cannot survive let alone be successful.
Read The god of Knowledge Peace Freedom Truth Grace Peace Freedom Truth Grace

When we see a beautiful fruit tree and partake of it wonderful fruits we are filled with gratitude for the farmer that has taken such good care of this tree. But, yet, we see no great mystery in the tree producing it's sweet fruit, in fact, we give little, or no concern to it at all.
Written by Daniel a Slave of Christ Jesus
Read New Creation
What is undeserved kindness? Well the word undeserved mean it cannot be earned, it is something given us that we don't deserve. Most things in this life has to be earned from respect to wealth. When we earn something we deserve a payment for our work, and when we don't get it, it becomes and injustice.
Read it Here C.T. Russell Study IX
Written by Daniel a Slave of Christ Jesus
Read Undeserved Kindness
PDF files of each issue are also available. They cover the period edited by Charles T. Russell starting with the July 1879 issue and ending with the December 1916 issue. (Some months were combined issues or were omitted due to the release of volumes of Millennial Dawn or Studies of the Scriptures.)
1879J 1879A 1879S 1879O 1879N 1879D
1880J 1880F 1880M 1880A 1880M 1880J 1880J 1880aug 1880S 1880O 1880N 1880D
Those Acting     Wickedly  Against The Covenant
Written by Daniel a Slave of Christ           Jesus
  Written by Daniel a Slave of Christ Jesus
1881J 1881F 1881 M 1881 A 1881M 1881J July Aug 1881 1881S Oct/Nov 1881 1881 D Jan/Feb 1882 1882M 1882A 1882 M 1882J 1882J 1882A 1882S Oct/Nov 1882 1882D 1883J 1883F 1883M 1883A 1883M 1883J 1883J 1883A 1883S 1883O 1883N 1883D Jehovah's Witnesses Straight Talk
Father of The Lie!
 Written by: Daniel a Slave of Christ Jesus
Read it Here Sanctioning Abuse